How to use the Matrix App

We understand the struggle of balancing your busy lifestyle whilst studying or working as a Physician Associate.

We have built various features in the Matrix app to help you pass the nationals with flying colours.

Are you a qualified PA sitting the nationals for recertification?

We recommend you try out the simulated mock exam first so that our platform can recommend what to revise based on your weaknesses.

Keep trying the simulated mock exam whilst working on your weaknesses to keep improving your performance.

You can track your performance with the line-graph 📈 based on your previous performance.

Also, compare against your peers using the built-in histogram available on the web version. 📊

Features that are available to help you get through the PA School

Use the checklist feature available in the Matrix app ✅

You can use the Web, iOS and Android app as a checklist. (We currently do not have Pharmacology)

With just over 550 conditions to review (according to the blueprint), you want to be going through at least 20 conditions a week.

When studying/revising, make sure to look at all the recommended resources including videos and web links to deepen your knowledge of that particular condition. (There are additional links available in the website version.)

Use the Quiz feature 💯

After you’ve reviewed each condition, make sure to test yourself. (use the quiz feature)

You can also test yourself based on all the topics you’ve marked as ‘revised’ on the website version to practise questions based on topics you’ve only revised.

Weekly check-in 🗓️

Once you’ve completed the quiz, you will get to practise the questions you answered incorrectly the following week. It’ll tell you what you need to revise based on your weaknesses and you will also get to practise questions based on the topics you answered incorrectly the previous week.

You will also get a weekly review email 📧 to let you know of the performance from the previous week.

Spaced-repetition ⚙️

In addition to the above, once you’ve reviewed a condition add the condition to your Spaced-Repetition Programme for you to revisit in the future. Spaced repetition is one of the most recognised methods of studying to improve knowledge retention. Learn more about Spaced-Repetition and its benefits here.

Review your accuracy in answering questions for the related topic 📈(only available in Version 2.0)

From the website, you can review how accurately you are picking the correct option, which will help you prioritise which topic to revise based on your performance. (this is best reviewed after you’ve reviewed all the conditions and have tested yourself an extensive number of times.)

Create your own exam 🔨

You can create your own exam on the website. This will allow you to practise the same questions and track progress using the charts which are based on your previous performances for the same set of questions.

Sit the mock nationals exam 💻

Once you feel confident enough, sit our simulated mock exam.

You will be able to check the histogram to see how you stack up against other students, and you will also be able to review your performance.

You can also time yourself to see if you can complete all the questions within the time restriction.

We recommend that you test yourself as much as you can throughout your course whilst reviewing the conditions you have studied.

Sitting the National Mock Exam will give you an insight into how comfortable you are with various systems and conditions.

You can also compare against your peers (histogram) and it will give you feedback on what you should study based on your weaknesses.
